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Fund Raising Project

Outdoor Classroom

There are so many benefits of outdoor learning for both children and teachers. Below are five of the core ways we believe that learning outdoors improves educational outcomes for all.

1. Children’s mental health and wellbeing improves

There is an enormous body of research available showing that time spent in nature can improve children’s mental health and wellbeing. And let’s face it – happier, healthier children are more motivated and eager to learn; a winning outcome from all angles.

2. Children’s relationship with nature improves

The beauty of combining important lessons with memorable experiences outside the classroom means that these      moments in nature can be strengthened, and so too can children’s connection to and love of the natural world.

3. Education is more inclusive

All children are unique – they learn in different ways and for some, these can actually be stifled by the classroom.     Especially for children with special educational needs, the classroom can bring with it added stress and ingrained      feelings of academic or social ‘difference’.

4. Curriculum learning is enhanced

Learning outside isn’t an unnecessary add-on: it’s a way to deepen children’s learning experience by getting              them to experience lessons in a new and exciting way.

5.Child development is enhanced

Research has suggested that outdoor learning boosts confidence, social skills, communication, motivation, physical skills, knowledge and understanding. It has also been found to boost children’s self-esteem, self-confidence, ability to work cooperatively and positive attitude to learning.


An Outdoor Cabin is a diverse new way for our school to introduce an extra element of learning to the children. The Scandinavian style log cabin with a central fire pit will provide additional learning space that can be used on a daily basis. Our families want to know their children have a vast array of learning opportunities, and we are looking to take advantage of an outdoor area that would   otherwise be unusable for much of the year to create an amazing  outdoor learning space that can be used all year round.


Over the next year we will be raising money to install a cabin in our outdoor learning space which will include a garden area and  an outdoor cooking space. We are applying for grants and using money raised throughout the year.

As we need to raise £15,000 we are just having one fund  raising project for the year.


Thank you for your continued support



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