Staff, in collaboration across year groups and in subject teams, coherently plan our curriculum. We cover not only the statutory requirements provided by the National Curriculum and EYFS framework but also ensure that the children’s personal education is developed. The National Curriculum allows for continuity, depth and breadth, whilst our culture of developing the whole child allows the children to be the best they can be. Through our teaching, we aim for sustained mastery across all areas of the curriculum. We achieve this by repetitively teaching the core skills, which allow children to be fluent in applying their knowledge, understanding and learning across the curriculum. To engage the children, capture their imagination and create ‘awe and wonder’ we listen to their ideas, what they already know about a topic and what they would like to learn. Throughout the year we provide many practical hands on experiences, trips out of school and workshops from outside professionals. We invite parents and other adults who have expertise in specific areas of learning into our school. Wherever possible and only when it is effective, we create cross-curricular links, to ensure that children gain a broad understanding of the topic. Reading is prioritised to allow children to access the full curriculum offer. A rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum develops children’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment in reading. At all stages, reading attainment is assessed and gaps are addressed quickly and effectively for all children. Reading books connect closely to the phonics knowledge children are taught when they are learning to read. The sharp focus on ensuring that younger children gain phonics knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, and the skills to communicate, gives them the foundations for future learning.