The School Development Plan
Every year the school agrees a development/improvement plan on which to base activity relating to curriculum development, staff development, governor development, financial management, premises development and parental/ community involvement. Some of the projects that the school will become involved in will have been initiated by the government through legislation and many by the school itself based upon information gained through self evaluation. As with all other areas of society education is subject to an increasing pace of change, and by setting clear actions and success criteria the SDP ensures that workload is controlled and that the achievements of the staff and children are acknowledged.
A SDP has two main aims, namely:
2. To raise achievement and standards of attainment for all children
Purpose of School Improvement & Development Plan
School Improvement is most likely to be successful if it involves:
J a commitment by the school community to ongoing improvement;
J a set of practical strategies for change; and
J the setting of priorities and timeframes.
The School Development Plan (SDP) communicates the school’s priorities to all stakeholders and is a tool to drive the budget plan. Through the SDP we hope to achieve our school mission statement and fulfil our school aims