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Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

The government announced funding to support the delivery of PE and School Sport.  The government funding is ring fenced only to be spent on sport. The outcome is to improve teaching and learning.


Nettleham Infant Schools Vision for Sport

Our School believes that ALL pupils should be given the opportunity to become physically literate and with the opportunity to begin to develop the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation and enjoyment in physical activity and sport.

Nettleham infant school aims to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport against 5 key indicators:

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity promoting active healthy active lifestyles
  2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school and being used in a truly cross curricular manner as a tool for whole school improvement
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport


How much  funding do we receive?

For the academic year 2022-2023 Nettleham Infant and Nursery School received = £17,030.00


How is it spent?

The aim of the funding is to improve the quality of our PE and sporting provision in school. We have identified a number of key priorities which include: 

  • investing in continual professional development for our staff
  • increasing the competitive opportunities available to all pupils
  • working in partnership with other schools to share expertise and resources
  • offering new and varied sporting opportunities for our pupils


Any money remaining will be utilised as part of the planned expenditure for 2022-2023 to refurbish outdoor provision in all areas to promote physical activity.


Children have been surveyed with regards to Clubs attended over the last academic year and this academic year - the table below shows the results.


Wake Up Shake Up

Since 2016 the school have introduced  'Wake up, Shake up' sessions during the day. Staff have  commented on higher levels of concentration and children who are more ready to listen and learn after participating in a session. We are working on collecting a wide range of resources to enhance this using songs from films and popular culture that the children are aware of.


Daily Run 

The Daily Run is simple and free and gets children out of the classroom for a five minutes timed run every day. They are encouraged to run or jog, at their own pace, with their classmates, making them fitter, healthier, and more able to concentrate in the classroom. 

Infant School Cluster Sports Event

On Friday 1st March 2019 (Year 1) and Friday 5th April 2019 (Year 2), 30 pupils from each year group attended a sports competition at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy hosted by MSP. This a multi skilled event which offered the the children a taste for competitive sport against other local infant schools.

  • The Year 1 team came 1st and 2nd place out of 9 local schools
  • The Year 2 team came 1st and 4th out of 9 schools


The event was a huge success enjoyed by all children and staff on the day! 
