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Wear It Bright for Rhys Non-Uniform Day

Wear It Bright Non-Uniform Day

Monday 12th March 2018 

The RDF Charity was created in memory of Rhys Durham-Flynn, who died aged 16 on 12th March 2017 after a 12 month battle with an aggressive Grade 4 Brain Tumour. This March marks the 1 year anniversary of his passing and as a school we would like to support his family to remember him by raising some funds for the charity. We will be holding a "Wear it Bright" day in school on Monday 12th March 2018 and ask for all children to come into school in non-uniform, wearing as bright colours as possible for a £1 donation to this very worthy cause. The RDF Charity will be raising money to provide items of comfort and distraction for young people and their carers who are battling with all types of cancer. These are small items that may provide some relief from the devastating effects of the symptoms and side effects of treatment.